Please check out Linkin Park's official site for more information about THE ONE MORE LIGHT FUND to help people deal with mental illness. Let's make Chester proud together. https://linkinpark.com/

About The Greatest Showman

2018年上映的傳記性歌舞劇電影,聽完整個原聲帶之後真的只能淚推他們的製作團隊,結尾曲This is me更在兩天前獲金球獎最佳原創歌曲獎的加持!每一首都好聽到哭,而電影部分(個人是還沒看過),但聽說也是非常棒而且充滿力量!

This is me

[Verse 1]


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 I’m glad that you like JJ’s music as I do and thank you for reading this

This is my second time trying to translate Chinese lyrics into English, and it has been a while since last time, so the translation can be kind of awkward XD

So if you have any suggestion about the translation, please comment down below~


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!!公告!! MV已經上了中文字幕 (點選影片右下角開啟中文字幕)


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About Andy Grammer

34歲的美國歌手,第一張同名專輯Andy Grammer2011年釋出。著名歌曲有Honey, I’m Good(我也喜歡Home Free翻唱的版本)Keep Yor Head UpFine By Me

Andy Grammer – The Good Parts

[Verse 1]


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About The Script(天啊我不敢相信我從沒做過他們的文章)

2007年成立,來自愛爾蘭都柏林的輕搖滾樂團,團員只有三個:主唱Danny,吉他手Mark和鼓手Glen。一直以來都是散發著爆棚正能量的優質團體,現場演奏跟營造氣氛的功力也是非常之強。Arms Open這首歌收錄於他們在今年(2017)91號發行的專輯Freedom Child中。

The Script – Arms Open

[Verse 1]


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